DETECTING TROUBLE DIGITALLY It’s nice to know that sometimes technology truly is there to make things easier rather than the other way around. Such is the case with the On-Board Diagnostic (often shortened to OBD) system installed on most of the vehicles on the road today. The OBD system helps service technicians monitor your vehicle’s operating systems for signs of trouble...
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DRIVE A “GREEN” MACHINE More and more of us are trying to reduce their impact on the environment by recycling plastics and paper, choosing efficient appliances and adjusting the thermostat to save energy. But what about your vehicle? Some people choose high-efficiency vehicles and trucks, but even if yours isn’t a hybrid, you can take steps to improve fuel efficiency and re...
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SUMMER DRIVING TIPS The average age of vehicles on American roads today recently reached an all-time high of 11.4 years, according to Polk market research. It’s been climbing steadily (the average was only 9.6 years in 2002), and Polk projects it will continue to rise. Today’s vehicles are built better than ever, and with proper maintenance and care, they can endure a l...
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